How to design practices and cares during unpredictable times?

Hello, meanwhile I’m writing this post, in Italy the situation is becoming more and more critical for a huge number of municipalities.
There are not enough health workers, neither appropriate machines and spaces. Many years of deregulation and cuts in public welfare in favour of privatization and easy profits led to a dramatic and fragile situation, where emergences can arise and upset the asset of small and big cities and their social and economic life, with unpredictable outcomes. \

Italy is a powder keg… and the remedies proposed, imposed, invoked are often simplicistic patches if opposed to what we can experience in the coming months/years.

The health sector - as obvious - is not the only fragment affected, but the whole economic and social life is at stake.
Thousands of economic activities - mostly secondary and tertieray sector - have debts and are closing their business, lockdowns or restrictive measures imposed by the government are not followed by appropriate social/mutualistic initiatives and help, boosting delusional attitudes and favoring fertile ground for extremists.

The whole narrative is complex and seems we’re inevitably moving faster and faster toward a poor and radical polarization of the opinions, rather than nurturing the complexity and look for diverse, contingential, experimental practices and cares to deal with what is happening.

in the midst of that, I think Reflow can play a role. We don’t have only to accomplish the reflow project despite the covid situation, we should rather try hard to design, imagine, deliver practices to boost mutualism and circular practices that can be useful also and above all during emergencies like covid.

I’m interested in listening your opinions about this and if there’s some work in progress in this regard that i’m not aware of, or already some documents, practices, links shared by pilots or other participants that we can use, spread, share across our networks.

Have a good one and stay safe :slight_smile: