WORKSHOP: How maker spaces and Fab Labs can accelerate the transition to circular cities

Jul 27, 2020 07:00 PM

How can fab labs and maker spaces act as catalysts of systemic change in urban and peri-urban environments in efforts to move towards green transition?

This workshop is presented by REFLOW, a Horizon 2020 Innovation Action project that aims to further develop circular and regenerative cities through the re-localization of production and the re-configuration of material flows at different scales in cities. The project aims to enable innovation hubs to be test-beds for local circular initiatives to be incubated, nurtured, tested and scaled.

In this workshop, we will open a discussion on the importance of the maker movement in the transition to circularity, by presenting the REFLOW OS, a peer-to-peer and secure economic network that helps incentivize circular practices in federated ecosystems, addressing the topics of encryption and smart contracts, and how to use them to coordinate and keep track of the production and distribution of resources and value.

Registration here


fablabs.pdf (875.3 KB)
Hello, here the presentation we did at the workshop the other day…any questions is very welcome.
It was really nice to meet some reflow pilots there…
keep up the good work, and thanks @Milena for organizing it